It's riddled with bugs and seemingly inexplicable phenomena. To name but a few: I've had mercs spotted through walls, enemies alerted to a mercs presence for no apparent reason (yes I understand the stealth mechanics), enemy AI is appalling (you can eliminate a building full of enemies but just running a merc around the This game is infuriating and sub-standard for so many reasons. This game is infuriating and sub-standard for so many reasons.

And with patches already coming out 1 day after release, I am sure this game can be polished to an even brighter sheen. And I am sure that veterans of this series will have many more bones to pick, but JA:BiA as it stands, is head and shoulders above anything in the RTS realm that is currently on offer on the PC. I can see how Fog of War would have made this game an even more intense experience, and it is a shame the devs decided to not include it in the final game. And another for samey, predictable AI, which will send all their goons out in the open and after your squad once one of them is spotted, rather than making use of their well entrenched positions. I do however have to subtract one point from my final rating due to sometimes flaky camera controls, which can be responsible for getting your mercs killed in tight situations. And just for trying to bring this experience to a new audience 10 or more years after the originals the developers deserve a 10. All this and more makes for a very complex and satisfying game, with levels of interaction and tactical options rarely seen in games these days - mainstream RTS included. Militias can be equipped with guns from your stores to defend your holdings. Enemies drop loot, which can be sold or used to keep your mercs going. Liberated towns or mines give you daily income, which can be spent on hiring new mercs or better equipment. But with the added depth of a 'persistent' world map, which will feature random counterattacks from the defending forces on Arulco. Gameplay reminds me a bit of the Men of War series of games. However, as a standalone game, not taking into account its heritage, I am immensely enjoying the experience. And thus the level of expectation which the community has towards this third installment.

As someone who has never played the original JA or JA2 games, I am still aware of the legendary reputation these games bring to the franchise. In my opinion, this game is a rough diamond.